You know you love me , xoxo <3
Welcome to


Hema.Turned 15 on 22/06/08.Current Status: Taken.
Oh well,i'm a big fan of Rihanna&Chris Brown songs. I think that they both fulfil my days whenever I need music. & they look great together :D I love my ohsonoisymusical class, a.k.a 3threeoheight! And not forgetting the class with a rich history, twosevenohseven♥. I love the fact that arts exist in my life cause arts makes my life worthwhile. Thats why I simply love singing, dancing & acting. It runs in my blood (: Playing basketball is something I have been doing for the past 6 years of my life & thats the reason why I love every sports programme.

Email Me if you've any inquiries :)
Or else find me here - Facebook/ Friendster

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Blog contents copyright © 2006-2008

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passed by & here

You speak

Yrly/Mthly Events

1st- Children's day!(lol)
1st- Hari Raya Puasa ;D
3rd- Wilson's birthday!
4th- Norman's birthday!
7th- Jasmine's birthday!
8th- Farah's birthday!
8th- Valerie's birthday!!(:
9th- Grace's birthday!(:
10th- Fiona's birthday!
10th- May-En's birthday!
10th- Shalini(bs)'s birthday!!<3
11th- Man Ting's birthday!(:
13th- Anna's birthday!
13th- Jieqi's birthday!
14th- Ruth's birthday!!!:D
16th- Huda's birthday!!!(:
16th- Cheryl's birthday
19th- Xiu Hao's birthday ;DDD
20th- Xinying Tallie's birthday!(:
21st- Bharatth's birthday!
29th- Mark's birthday!!(:
29th- Kathleen's birthday!:D

Exams ):
3rd- Elementary Mathematics Paper 1
3rd- Geography Elective
6th- Additional Mathematics Paper 1
6th- Science Chem/Phy Paper 1
7th- Core History
7th- Elementary Mathematics Paper 2
8th- Additional Mathematics Paper 2
8th- Chemistry Paper 3



It's Love

class of noise->twosevenohseven
winniethepooh & you, my boy(:
basketball's my game .
pink, black, grey, white and green.
♥ books & geeky stuff 8D

Wants / Needs

2/7'o7 class gathering !
2 As for EOY !
Chennai Trip !
guitar !<3
Pass Emaths & Amaths tests !(:
that super cute Pooh bear !
laptop for my 15th birthday !(:
class tee for twosevenohseven
class tee for 3threeo8 ;D
more $$$ in the wallet ;D
YFC to be a SUCCESS ;D

Strangers & blogshop

IMAGES:Gossip girls Icon

Wednesday, December 27;
2:08 PM

cut hair lers!!finally.but dunno if nice larhx.but when ii tie my hair up it looks thin cos i go do thinning.haiix.ii'm back to my old typing cos i lazy to type properly.i promised Cheryl that i'll post the pics we took after the sec 1 registration,so here it is.

besties(: priscella&cheryl.
ii look pathetic(: me&qiao dan senior.(:
hahas.Cheryl,do you know i took this?ROFLMAO.siao.
my bag of marshmallows(:
cheryl's bag.she took it by herself(:

kkaes.err got somemore but dun really nid to post larhx.(:

Friday, December 22;
6:21 PM

Secondary 1 registration

Very tired.I got staircase duty.Great.Express.6 classes.I need to tell 240 students where their class was located.Grr..
I luckily got help after 1 hour!!I also fell thirsty while on duty!!SO stupid.Haiix.And it was a little funny because the girls went to the guys toilet and stick their head in the toilet.And vice versa.I was like LMAO.Imagine what would happen inside.?!Hahas.Lengwei's bro,Priscella's bro,Hayati's bro all in my sch!!Putri Qistina also.And she actually injured her legs!!Omg.Get well soon girl!!She play basketball then like that.Next year got 3 classes blue house sia!!iI'm so happy!! 1/4 , 1/8 and 1/9!!

Then I went Lot 1.Along with Cheryl and Priscella.I bought marshmallows from Mini Toons.Cheryl bought the sour cola and green apple strips.It cost her $2.45.Hahas.Then we went to Mac.We sat there.Priscella and Cheryl ate double cheese burger and fries respectively.I ate my marshmallows.We saw Qiao Dan.She bought her food and sat with us.

Later we went to popular together.Then we left Qiao Dan there.We went to the library.Borrowed books.Then we went home.We went outside Lot 1 later immediately got a guy come up.And ask us for donation.I didn't want to donate but Cheryl gave in.Thanks Cheryl.Now i owe Priscella 2 dollars!!Cause I was broke when asked for money.Haiix.Damn it loh.

Cam home.Another drama.I was drinking soft drink near the sofa.Suddenly my horrid bro punched the cup and thought it was funny.I was fuming.I took his glass of drink and poured a little of its contents into my cup.He took back his cup and took my cup and emptied it all into his cup.He spilled some on my mp4!!!I got angry that i poured that whole cup on him.I filled it with water this time and pour it on him again.I"M SO ANGRY!!Stupid.Haiix.Long post.I go play maple already.Sian.

Thursday, December 21;
9:25 PM

Yay!!Prefect meeting finally!!But not that fun.Haiix.I'm downloading many songs.So sian&tired.Short & simple post.(:

p.s:Welcome back to Singapore valyn!!

Wednesday, December 20;
10:08 PM

I miss you so much.Its been long since I saw you.I want to talk to you.Its been long since we talked.I wonder how are you right now.I feel very lonely all this while.Dreamt about many times since you've been gone.When would you come back.Miss you.Y

Thursday, December 14;
2:20 PM

Bored to the core.Another quiz again :((

Level 1
[ ] smoked a cigarette
[ ] smoked a cigar
[ ] done weed
[x] kissed a member of the same sex[my mummy(:]
[x] drank alcohol

Level 2
[ ] shoplifted-the fun of it.
[ ] been fired
[ ] been in a fist fight

Level 3
[ ] snuck out of a parent's house
[x] had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
[ ] been arrested
[ ] made out with a stranger
[ ] gone out on a blind date

Level 4
[x] had a crush on an older person
[x] skipped school
[ ] slept with a co-worker
[x] seen someone/something die

Level 5
[x] had/have a crush on one of your FRIENDSTER friends
[ ] been to Paris
[ ] been to Spain
[x] been on a plane
[ ] thrown up from drinking

Level 6
[x] eaten Sushi
[ ] been snowboarding
[ ] met someone BECAUSE of myspace
[ ] been mosh pitting

Level 7
[ ] been in an abusive relationship
[ ] taken pain killers
[x] love/like someone right now
[x] laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
[x] made a snow angel
SO FAR: 12

Level 8
[ ] had a tea party
[x] flown a kite
[x] built a sand castle
[x] gone puddle jumping
[x] played dress up
SO FAR: 16

Level 9
[ ] jumped into a pile of leaves
[ ] gone sledding
[x] cheated while playing a game
[x] been lonely
[x] fallen asleep at work/school
SO FAR: 19

Level 10
[ ] used a fake/someone else's ID
[x] watched the sunset
[ ] felt an earthquake
[ ] killed a snake
SO FAR: 20

Level 11
[x] been tickled
[x] been robbed/vandalized
[ ] robbed someone
[x] been misunderstood
[ ] pet a reindeer [LOL]
SO FAR: 23

Level 12
[x] won a contest
[ ] been suspended from school
[x] had detention
[ ] been in a car/motorcycle accident
SO FAR: 25

Level 13
[ ] had/have braces
[ ] eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
[x] had deja vu
[ ] danced in the moonlight
SO FAR: 26

Level 14
[x] hated the way you look
[x] witnessed a crime
[ ] pole danced
[x] questioned your heart
[ ] been obsessed with post-it notes
SO FAR: 29

Level 15
[x] squished barefoot through the mud
[x] been lost
[ ] been to the opposite side of the world
[ ] swam in the ocean
[x] felt like you were dying
SO FAR: 32

Level 16
[x] cried yourself to sleep
[x] played cops and robbers
[x] recently coloured with crayons/coloredpencils/markers
[ ] sang karaoke
[x] paid for a meal with only coins
SO FAR: 36

Level 17
[x] done something you told yourself you wouldn't
[x] made prank phone calls
[ ] laughed until some kind of beverage came out ofyour nose
[ ] kissed in the rain
SO FAR: 38

Level 18
[ ] written a letter to Santa Clause
[ ] been kissed under a mistletoe
[ ] watched the sun set with someone you care/cared about
[x] blown bubbles
[x] made a bonfire on the beach
SO FAR: 40

Level 19
[x] crashed a party
[ ] have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people
[x] gone roller skating/ blading
[x] had a wish come true
[ ] humped a monkey
SO FAR: 43

Level 20
[ ] worn pearls
[ ] jumped off a bridge
[ ] screamed "penis" at a football game.
[ ] swimming with dolphins
SO FAR: 43

Level 21
[x] got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube
[ ] kissed a fish
[ ] worn the opposite sexes clothes
[x] Sat on a roof top
SO FAR: 45

Level 22
[x] screamed at the top of your lungs
[ ] can do a one-handed cartwheel
[x] talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
[x] stayed up all night
SO FAR: 48

Level 23
[x] picked and ate an apple right off the tree
[x] climbed a tree
[x] had/been in a tree house
[ ] are scared to watch scary movies alone
SO FAR: 49

Level 24
[ ] believe in ghosts
[ ] have/had more then 30 pairs of shoes
[ ] gone streaking
[ ] been in jail
SO FAR: 49.

Wednesday, December 13;
4:40 PM

Can holidays be more boring?If you hadn't realise,this is my 3rd time blogging today.Holidays are getting too boring.There is nothing to do!thank god the holiday is coming to an end in 19 days or less!!I keep on changing my blogskins.The reason is because the previous one had problems with the pictures.But I like the current skin right now.MEL's birthday is coming.3 days(:

I linked a few more people.Changed alot of things.

4:05 PM

i watched this clips loads of time.super siao.& funny.take a look(:

11:43 AM

What time are you starting this?
11:43 am. =D
many larhx.
Date of birth?
22 June
does my name sound like a guy?
155. sad. ): so short.
Eye color?
Where were you born?
Singapore.the little red dot (:
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?
4. iim only 4 years old you know?
Hair color?
dark brown(:
only on my ears.two(:
Favorite foods?
iim not picky barhx.
Ever been to Africa?
Love someone so much it made you cry?
yeah.but ii dun wish to mention.ii will make me cry more.
Been in a car accident?
almost larhx.
Favorite day of the week?
everyday!cos everyday makes our lives special.
Favorite resturant?
iim not picky.
Favorite flower?
hmm.maybe rose.
Favorite sport to watch?
Favorite drink?
water.water is good for us you know.
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Warner Bros. or Disney?
both larhx.
Favorite fast food restuarant?
McDonalds. iim lovin' it
Carpet color in your bedroom?
none larhx.
How many times did you fail your driver's test?
0.iim too young you know.
Whom did you get your last email from?
What do you do most often when you are bored?
eat&eat.but ii wun grow fat!!
Most annoying thing to say to me?
iim bored by your stupid questions you know?
after 10 pm.
Favorite TV show?
ii see if ii like it or nort.
Last person you went out to dinner with?
my family?
What are you listening to right now?
two horrid idiots in my house screaming.nice music.
Do you have a bf/gf?
yeah. not stead one larhx.you never state it mah.
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?
ii dun crush those elder than me more than 5 years. (:
Do you smoke?
nah.ii will never!
What are your favorite colors?
colours in a rainbow&black&white.
What is your favorite animal?
Do you have any birthmarks?
yes.ii guess.
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?
yes. :D my sis giv me one not long ago.
Who do you talk to most on the phone?
my fwenx la.
Have you ever been slapped?
yea. @#$% phoebe gav me two!!!
Do you get online a lot?
dunno you tell me.
Are you shy or outgoing?

err.depends.but iim very outgoing most of the time
Do you shower?
yes. :D dumb question!!
Do you hate school?
i Y school!so much of things i can do!!
How easily do you trust people?
it takes 1 month to confirm if ii can trust you.
Would you ever sky dive?
ii wan!!so cool.but looks scary=X.
Do you drink a lot of water?
sure why not?Water is good what.
What toothpaste do you use?
can i have my privacy?
Do you have a cell phone?
yup.but currently no line.haiix.
Do you have a curfew?
Who do you look up to?
those taller than me(: LOL. jkjk
What do you want pierced?
my ears.more&more!!
Do you get annoyed easily?
yeah.by stupid sankarsh(: ,phoebe&my siblings.
Do you have your own pool?
nah.buy for me one please.
Do you have any siblings?
duh.if not i would not be annoyed by them?!
How do you vent your anger?
use the computer w/o permission=D
Have you ever ran away?
i would be dead by now(:
Do you daydream a lot?
yup=X in class bah.
What do you want a tattoo of?
i hate tattoos actually. =D seriously.
Are you rude?
at times.when i forget myself. (:
What was the last compliment you recieved?
er.dunno lerhx.
What is your lucky number?
4?! lol.
Could you ever be a vegetarian?
yeap.ii love veggies you know. =D
If you had to completely dye your hair, what color would it be?
brown lah. =D
Would you ever date someone younger than you?
nah.sorry peeps.LOL
How many rings until you answer the phone?
i'm very good.i answer it asap.(:
Do you look more like your mother or father?
i'm equally mixed=D
Do you cry a lot?
when i was younger.=D
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?
Have you ever been chased by cops?
yeah.when i played police&thief (:
When was the last time you threw up?
er.long time ago.
Is your best friend a virgin?
how would i know?you help me ask larhx.
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?
yes. many times.about me liking a guy.and i didn't like him!
What do you drive?
a bike(:
What kind of music do you like?
any type(: EXCEPT vulgar or dirty types.eww..
Would you ever bungee jump?
ii WANT!!
What is your worst fear?
not being able to complete my goals.
Would you ever join the army?
my dad's in it.maybe NO!cos he treats me like a soldier!!
Do you like cows?
its products only. =D
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it be?
join me!!(: LOL
Moons or stars?
both larhx.i'm not picky.
Coke or pepsi?
Favorite scent?
none lah.
Would you ever dye your hair red?
How many languages can you speak?
four!!!+1=baby language.
What time are you finishing this?
12:11pm! YAY!finally(:

Thursday, December 7;
3:30 PM

sianx so do quiz.got it frm valyn's blog.

100 Facts

1. Name: Hema
2. Last Name: mine is short&simple.(: ii mean ii dun hav.
3. Location: Singapore.the little red dot(:
4. Place of Birth: Singapore. iim a true singaporean
5. Blood Type: B+
6. Male or Female: Female.
7. Bus: pls be more clear.(:
8. Status: Single.duh.
9. Occupation: Student.
10. Initials: dunno lah.lyk ii care.
11. Screen Name: retardedd-.looks nice.(:

Your Appearance

12. Hair Color: dark brown.
13. Hair Length: shoulder
14. Expression: retardedd-* ^^
15. Best Feature: guess bah.^^
16. Height : 155cm.so short :((
17. Main Accessories: hairclips.(:
18. Glasses: pls be more clear!!^^
19. Shoe size: let me check ryte now.
20.Weight: guess bahx(:

Your Firsts

21. First cry: 22 June 1993.
22. First best friend: dun feel lyk naming.cos some might mistake me.(:
23. First Award: i must ask my mummy. (:
24. First Sport You Joined: basketball(:
25. First thing you did today: breathe.
26: First thing you ate today: bread?
27. First thing you said today: stupid.seriously a nice way to start a day.
28. First Love: puppy love or real one?Y


29. Movie: er.many lahs.maybe ii not stupid 2?cos it was flimed at my pri sch?
30. TV Show: sports stuff.
31. Colour: all the colours in a rainbow(:
32. Rock Band: no one in particular.
33. Place to get groceries: ii dun shop for groceries?!
34. Food: noodles.
35. Season: winter. (:
36. Candy: all types.but chocs are better(:
37. Sport: basketball! i told you.it RAWKX :D
38. Restaurant: iim not really tat picky kays.
39. Number: 4.die.suay.jkjk(:
40. Subject: literature! ii get A1 kays.^^
41. Guy: my heart robber.he makes my day(:
42. Animal: ii hate PETS!!!and animals(:
43. Book: school books.(: super retardedd.
44. Magazine: lime.teens.teenage?


45. Doing before you started this survey: looking at valyn's blog and deciding to do this quiz.(:
46. Thinking: about him.(:
47. Wearing: stupid.obviously clothes..
48. Crying bout: ii cry for no reason.
49. Eating: food.
50. Drinking: water.duh
51. Typing: my answers for the quiz.DUH!
52. Loving: HIM!!stop making me think more abt him kays!
53. Listening To: the sound of my typing.
54. Thinking about: HIM!!!.ii said enough!!
55. Wanting: to see him on the 20th!!.but ii got drama filming.*CRIES
56. Watching: my computer.stop asking idiotic questions.


57. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: in singapore.
58. Kids: ii haven thought that far before..
59. Want to be Married: its on most of the wishlist of people.including me
60. Career in Mind: actress prehaps??

Which is Better with the Opposite Sex

61. Looks or Personality: personality.(: looks can be deceiving.
62. Smart or average: smart, better.as long has a nice personality.(:
63. Hair color: which girl wans a guy with wierd hair colour?
64. Hair length: short.long resembles moe lyk a girl.lol(:
65. Eye color: green can?lol
66. Measurements: not shorter than me duh.
67. Cute or sexy: lyk ii said LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING!!
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes? :D
69. Hugs or Kisses: hugs.
70. Short or Tall: tall(:
71. Easygoing or serious: both better.
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: cannot make up my mind.
73. Good or Bad: wat a ques?!obviously good.
74. Sensitive or spontaneous: Spontaneous.
75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship.
76. Cute or Handsome: handsome maybe only :D
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: eff? wth.

Have You Ever

78. Kissed a Stranger: sounds freaky (:
79. Had surgery: no way :D
80. Gone commando: dunno bahx.tell me pls.
81. Ran Away From Home: ii wish ii could.
82. Broken a bone: ii dun lyk the thought of it.
83. Broke the law: ya.oops.=X
84. Been on a cruise: lots of time(: ii love it!(:
85. Got a car accident: ii would not be normal.and ii would not be doing this stupid quiz.
86. Dumped someone: ii guess yes.
87. Cried When Someone Died: tell me unless you're heartless.would you?
88. Cried At School: yup.in front of him once.AH!!

Do You Believe In

89. God: iim hindu but ii prefer to believe in Jesus.
90. Miracles: :D yeeh.most of the times
91. Love at First Sight: love at second sight only.
92. Ghosts: yeh, cos ii hav encountered one.
93: Aliens: ii dunno bahx.
94. Soul Mates: y not? :D
95. Heaven: if i believe in miracles, i believe in anything.
96. Hell: maybe the person who created this quiz should go for a trail in hell and tell us what is like.
97. Answered prayers: yeah.a couple of times.
98. Kissing on The First Date: ii nv dated.
99. Horoscopes: yeeh.(: im Cancerous, jkjk.iim cancer baby.so zhun first day.haiix.

Answer Truthfully

100. Is there someone you wish you had? YES :D him

Pass It On

whoever reads this(:

nice DUMB quiz.feel lyk doing more.


Wednesday, December 6;
8:13 PM

finally i'm blogging.ii feel lyk blogging once a week.so sianx.haiix.dunno wat to say lerhx.ii love my new skin.so nice(:

so retarded.just started crying for no reason.haiix.
